
This is my small part of the web dedicated to my favourite way of staying out of my wife's way, which is by miniature wargaming.

Have been an avid borad/wargamer off and on for some time and my main area of interest is 20mm WWII. I have though like so many other gamers other areas that I like to dabble in and will hopefully be sharing them with the web...

My main wargaming aim other than to have large armies in all periods all well painted (!) is to try and encourage my soon to be 4 year old son to follow in my foot steps into gaming whcih to date seems to be working as he has already started painting figures.

Photos and hopefully plenty wargaming wise to follow.....

Monday, 31 December 2012

Happy New year to all, lets hope it's a good one and of course to do plenty of gaming and painting.



Sunday, 30 December 2012

Weekly update photos

Hi hi just thought I'd post a quick update on my workbench.



Monday, 24 December 2012


Just to wish everyone a wonderful Christmas and a healthy and peaceful 2013.

My early new year resolution is to post more regularly with updates on the painting.



Wednesday, 21 November 2012

First anniversary of my blog!


It was actually a few days ago and thought I'd post some quick photos of my gaming room to show how much or more appropriately how little progress has been made over the past year!

One interesting from a wargamer's perspectvie is a comment my wife made the other day when I was painting away, in that I still hadn't painted all those buildings that I got for Xmas from last year! I took this as encouragment to spend more time painting but have been reliably informed that, that was not what was meant...:o)

 The first bn well all but two of the British Bn in 28mm

 My work area.

 AFV's waiting to be finsihed and troops waitrign for basing.

 Finished Brit Inf

 Finsished German Armour
 German infantry
 Those buildings wiating to be painted!
 German garrison
My son Harry (soon to be 5) enjoys playing with my test models and one of my finished buildings -rest our kept out of reach!



Tuesday, 23 October 2012


Here are the photos of my first completed 28mm French figure-albeit realised not done his baynet and will fix that.



Saturday, 20 October 2012

Quick update: Any fellow wargamers in the Bishop's Stortford area of Herts in the UK and interested in a game, send me a pm and wil email you back. Am happy to play any historical period or boardgame.



ps photos of my first completed French 28mm to follow and will finaly get round to posting more photos of the 20mm collection.

Here is my first completed British Infantry man and the first bn have just arrived though the post from Front Rank.

Any feedback would be welcome before I commit to starting to paint the,.



Thursday, 4 October 2012

Wednesday, 3 October 2012


Just up loaded a couple of photos of my first Napleonic 28mm figures and would welcome any feedback good bad or indifferent as looking to improve them.

Photos of my new paint racks and 20mm forces to follow.






Monday, 17 September 2012

Back in the room


Have returned from working away and getting back into family routiene and getting the gaming room ready for painting and gaming. My time away saw me mangaging to do plenty of board gaming but not that much in the way of painting so will need to try and up my output.

Have been experimenting with getting the white - right on the 28mm French samples that have got from Front Rank.

Photos wil follow of this and my new paint racks.

Happy gaming.



Sunday, 15 July 2012


Evening another brief update I am afraid as still working away so painting and gaming time have been limited. The major bit of gaming news is that I have started painting a couple of Front Rank 28mm Napelonics as my resistant has crumpled and decided that as I do WW2 in the preimer scale (in my eyes) of 20mm should dop the same with Napleonics and do that in 28mm as oppossed to 15s.

Happy gaming and a proper update of gmaing and painting news should follow in around six weeks or so when have returned to not working aweay from home.



Friday, 18 May 2012


Sorry for the long delay but working away has caused a slowing of my painting and gaming rate albeit have been able to play World In Flames!

An update on my wargaming exploits to follow.

Below are some photos of my first attempt to rationalise my wargaming assests down to two periods and scales these are some 15mm Germans based for FOW that I have just listed on ebay.

Sunday, 22 April 2012


Just checked the stats and six short of 1000 visitors since I started, to my amazement! Thanks for stopping by and will be posting more photos next weekend.

Saturday, 21 April 2012


Just a quick update and sorry there are no new photos atr the moment. I have been working away from home over the last month so the painting rate has slowed but I have managed to finsih off some 15mm French Hussars and just started on the next Bn of Brit 20mm Paras, and photos will follow soon.

Happy gaming


Saturday, 3 March 2012


Just  a quick update have managed to finsih these 2 AFVs and currently woring towards finishing my first Reb ACW 28mm Regt that will post photos off. Am currently into my third game of Pegasus bridge and been doing plenty of basing to try and get a them ready for the table.

Here are my latest AFVs of theproduction line, just wish could do them faster!

My painting was helped this morning by Harry who has been enthusiatically painting his soliders and offering to do mine as well!



Friday, 3 February 2012

Pegasus Bridge


Apologies for such a delay in updating but have been busy gaming Pegasus bridge! After many years in the planning the game eventually has been played and more than once.

Had a start of the game with Tony to see how it would play using the old RF scenario and landing the gliders, before then playing with Mark last weekend for which the report is below and just started again!

The game has been played using RF and the scenario is the one entitled thew Tale of Two Birdges from the wargaming journal. It can still be found on ,line even though the magazine uinfrotunately is no more!

I would normal;ly let my guest choose the side but Mark was gracious enough to let me play the Ox and Bucks!

Should also thank Mark for taking all these wonderful photos!

All quiet at the bridge!

the Ox and Bucks land without any incident and dash for the bridge.

The Brits storm over the bridge but not as in reality without loss. We were off the view afterwards that the number of Brits used in the gmae is not quite enough to secure the objectives and hold of the bad guys!

The Brits storm into Cafe Condree but with mounting casulties and the counter attack had not yet started.

The German panzers just started to unleash their counterattack. The Brits had managed to hold onto the cafe and the hanomag in the back ground has been destroyed but I have a lack of good looking balck smoke.

Just as Millen'spipes can be heard in the distance a MK Iv rumbles onto the bridge, and received a light damage as Sgt Thornton's round was not as effectvie as on D-Day.
By this time it was 1.30am and decided to call it a day. Had been a good fast moving game but the intial Brit forces whilst being powerful enough to over whelm the defences needed some rienforcements if they were to have any chance of holding off the Germans-partiuclary as Mark had not been very lucky with their arrival times.

A good fun game and hope you enjoy the photos.

More to follow of the current Pegasus game and off to plan |Sword Beach.

Should also finish by thanking Mark for his assistance in the massive basing campaign that was last weekend and tidy up in  the gmaing room. Still think the tidy up was at Jane's suggestion but she denies all knowledge!



Saturday, 14 January 2012

Pegasus Bridge


Here are a few photos of Lord Lovat, Millen and a few of his colleagues. Will upload photos of the entire unit in the next few days. No action shots yet as naother delay in playing but hope to be lanfing the gliders soon!



Thursday, 5 January 2012

Pegasus Bridge

Evening Gents

Photos of the German reinfromcements to accompany their armour, with photos of Lord Lovat and hos commondoes to follow. The first playing of the game has been put on hold until next week but hope to be able to post some AAR soon.

